1000 fathers

raising the effectiveness of decision making

Dysfunctional team?


How we can help

We are a boutique consultant with a unique and specialised purpose: to deliver a step-change improvement in the performance outcomes of our clients by raising the effectiveness of their decision making.

By accessing and leveraging our deep knowledge and experience of decision making dynamics, you can transform the effectiveness of your own decision making to the point where it becomes a core competency in its own right.

We partner with you to customise the most efficient route to “close the gap” in your organisation on this mission-critical capability. Our services include:
  • review at depth to identify strengths, weakness and intervention measures (group wide);
  • facilitation of workshops to build skills in decision making (team specific);
  • coach potential ‘role models’ in appropriate leadership behaviors (individuals).

Our methodology

In delivering our services to clients, we adopt a thoroughly researched, evidence-based approach that is executed to the highest standards of quality and integrity.

At the heart of our approach is a deep library of research which highlights that the key to effective decision making is the ability of teams to rapidly execute an iterative 'cycle of action' which embodies both learning and deciding.

“The only genuine long term source of competitive advantage is the ability of people to form into effective, decision making teams that work collaboratively to learn, adapt and innovate quickly in the face of ever-changing circumstances”
“I think you are doing great and we have brought a lot of people a long way in a short period of time. Well done partner.”
- CEO feedback, financial services client
“Once attuned I could easily see for myself that decision making was a learning process. It was, in fact, hardly individual at all. It was primarily a social process.” - Arie de Geus, Royal Dutch Shell

“success has a thousand fathers and failure is an orphan” - US President John F. Kennedy